The campsite in Ostrožská Nová Ves offers accommodation in a guesthouse or in the VINNÉ BÚDY – apartment buildings in the style of attic wine sheds imitating the local folk architecture (each of them is named after a locally recognized grape variety), in ‘fishing huts’ (RYBÁŘSKÉ CHATY) apartments, in ‘barrels’ or in the ‘farmhouse barn’ (SELSKÁ STODOLA). Caravans, campers, and tents are also an option.
The East Moravia Tourism Portal is an official guide to the attractions of the Zlín Region, which can be found in the sub-regions and districts of Kroměříž, Moravian Wallachia, Moravian Slovakia, Zlín and Luhačovice.
Centrála cestovního ruchu Východní Moravy, o. p. s.
J. A. Bati 5520, 761 90 Zlín
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